Puppy Teething and What To Do About It

teething retriever puppy chewing on paper lying on floor

You’ll likely be dismayed when your bundle of cute starts to bite and chew your prized possessions. We’ve been there. We get it. The puppy teething stage is no joke. But if you’re well prepared for this stage, you can get through it. Maybe not unscathed, but without too many problems. Here’s how to help … Read more

Purebred Cats: The Pros And Cons Of Pedigree Explored

Purebred cats like this Siamese can have pros and cons which you can read here:

Purebred cats (and dogs for that matter) can be one of the biggest, most exciting additions to our family. It’s not just because they’re cats, which is great in and of itself. It’s also because it’s a significant and super interesting research process for the avid cat lover.  You can Google just about everything you … Read more

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