Cats lie on sofa and watch cat TV.

Cat TV Lovers: Does Your Cat Watch TV?


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Cat TV channels are popping up all over the place. From free streaming to subscription channels, there’s a wealth of viewing for a feline entertainment bonanza. Rightly or wrongly, humans’ screen time consumption habits are slowly creeping into our pets’ lives too…

In the good ol’ days cats used to sit in trees and watch the insects or gaze out the window at the clouds wafting by. Nowadays, cats still pay homage to these historical ways, but many also get a regular dose of feline screen time. In this article, we look at what the data says about why cats love TV and what shows they love best.

So whether you facetime your cat when you’re away or your cat watches films in their spare time, here’s what you need to know about cats and TV.

Cat TV preferences

Soon, you might even take your cat with you to help choose which widescreen TV best suits you both. Just kidding… But the truth is, cats do like some screens more than others.

So next time you upgrade your home entertainment theatre here’s paws for thought…

Cats seem to prefer newer TVs, which have a higher refresh rate. The movement on-screen mimics real-life movement because the images change faster. Cats find this satisfying.

Cat TV channel entertains Olive the cat.

Favourite cat TV shows

Your cat may cuddle on the sofa and humour you by sitting through your favourite TV shows, but studies show cats have favourites. Shows most likely to elicit a response from your cat are nature shows depicting small animals like rodents, birds and fish.

You can see where we’re going with this… Cats like TV that stimulates their prey instinct.

If you’re lucky, you and your cat may share some of the same screen time favourites. But not to worry, your cat will usually join you for TV time just for the sake of spending time together too.

Is TV good for cats?

TV can be entertaining for cats and doesn’t damage their eyes. The only real danger is when your cat gets so engrossed, they swat the screen in an attempt to get at the prey.

So be on the lookout and make sure kitty doesn’t get hurt by a falling monitor. Or if she’s watching your laptop, that you’ve backed up your work.

Cats are most likely to be stimulated by TV when they’re indoor cats, or they have a high prey instinct. The more time spent outdoors, the more this drive will be spent.

If you live in an area with lots of wildlife, you may want to find your feline some good shows to keep them happy this way instead. You may very well help prevent actual hunting by giving your feline more screen time.

It’s also useful if your cat is injured or ill and needs some time lying still to recover. Watching the outdoors on the TV can encourage them to stay put and heal quickly.

Read more facts about outdoor and indoor cats.

Cat TV can stimulate the prey instinct.

Cat TV shows

Does your cat like TV? We’ve compiled some free feline viewing to add to your playlist:

Also check out this super cute vid of cats watching TV together:

Cat insurance for a soft landing

Besides sitting on the sofa watching TV together, there’s another great way to give your cat a soft landing… Cat insurance makes health care more affordable so there’s less to worry about.

They say cats always land on their feet, but that one time they don’t you’ll rest easy knowing you’re covered. Check out the large range of benefits with our pet insurance that includes visits to the vet and hospitalisation and more.

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