Can Dogs Eat Grapes: Yay or Nay?


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Mmmm … grapes. They’re sweet, snackable, and simply delicious. So delicious that you may want to feed them to your furry friend. But can dogs eat grapes?

You may be surprised to learn the answer is a resounding NO. Grapes are highly toxic to all dogs and so too are raisins!

If you’re reading this and your dog has just snatched up a grape from the floor, you’re wondering if they’ll be ok. Or what the symptoms are of grape poisoning, and how much is toxic for our besties. (Hint, stop reading and get your pup to the vet ASAP)

Let’s dive into how poisonous grapes are and why they’re not safe for dogs. (If you’re curious, also read “Can Dogs Eat Vegemite?”).

Why can’t dogs eat grapes?

Now we know that dogs can’t eat grapes. But why, exactly? Scientists have been searching for years to pinpoint the exact reason why grapes are so poisonous to dogs. All varieties are toxic; it doesn’t matter if they’re seedless and the colour of the skin doesn’t matter either.

But strangely enough, grape juice doesn’t seem to have the same effect.

Studies have tried to determine whether pesticides, fungus, or another factor is to blame, but no definitive answer has been found yet. However, recent research seems to indicate it might be tartaric acid that’s to blame.

can dogs eat grapes

How toxic are grapes?

Much like chocolate toxicity, the severity of grape poisoning depends mainly on the amount eaten and the size of the dog.

A larger dog might not show any immediate or obvious signs of distress after eating a couple of grapes. But a small dog may get very sick very quickly after eating just one. On top of that, some dogs, regardless of their size, seem to be more sensitive than others.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict which category your dog will fall into. So we’d recommend playing it safe and avoiding it altogether.

Signs of grape poisoning

If you’re not sure whether your furbaby has found one of your stray grapes, these are the signs you can expect:

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea (often the first symptom)
  • Lethargy or weakness
  • Sensitive or tender abdomen
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of appetite
  • Increased thirst and urine production
  • Decreased or no urine production

In severe cases a dog’s kidneys may stop functioning and they could lapse into a coma. This is usually within 48 hours or so from ingestion. Once this stage has been reached the dog has a very small chance of full recovery.

That’s right. Unfortunately a dog can die from ingesting a grape, even if it’s not a dog choking kind of circumstance.

What to do if your dog eats grapes

Because of how toxic grapes are for dogs, we recommend you take your dog to a vet straight away. The quicker the treatment the better their chances of recovery. If you’ve any suspicions at all that your dog may’ve accessed grapes, raisins, currants, or similar, you should get immediate medical attention.

It’s not an overreaction on your behalf. The early signs of grape poisoning in dogs are often very generalised or non-specific, so they may go unnoticed.

And if you plan ahead and get your furball a good dog insurance policy, you’ll be able to treat your dog without worrying about the financial implications.

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