Many of us imagine that metro driving presents many more dangers.

Regional vs Metro Driving Habits Demystified


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When it comes to regional vs metro driving habits, are there any trends we need to know about? Anything surprising or strange?

Surely your driving style depends on, well, you? It could also depend on where you live or what vehicle you drive. For instance, if you zip around the city in a Honda Civic, your driving style might be quick sharp bursts. If you’re driving a ute on an open country road, your approach would – of necessity – be more languid.

So regional is probably safer than metro driving, right? Wrong. Why are there misperceptions and what are the stats… Read further to find out.

Regional vs metro driving – which is safer?

Many of us imagine that metro driving presents many more dangers. For starters, there’s more traffic, more congestion and more road rage. There’s also the ticking clocks of corporate hours and school timetables which influence our driving habits.

But despite these factors, statistically, we’re at greater risk when driving on regional roads than metro ones. Now let’s unpack the reasons behind this…

Statistically, we’re at greater risk when driving on regional roads than metro ones.

Facts and figures 

The Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF) says 47% of metro drivers mistakenly believe rural roads are safer than city roads. Speeding, driving while fatigued and driving while intoxicated are the top three dangers on rural roads. Wildlife, fallen branches and debris can also be a greater hazard for Australians driving regionally.

The ARSF shares the latest figures for driving incidents:

  • Rural road crashes account for more than 65% of the Australian road toll
  • The rate of serious road-related injury among residents in rural areas is nearly twice that of those in major cities
  • Despite regional residents making up only 16.5% of the nation’s population, regional road deaths account for two in every three of the national toll

Consider what an unexpected obstruction means when you’re driving at speed on the open road. Once you know about the danger, it’s very likely too late to react safely.

Find out the 5 defensive driving skills you need to know and read how to fight driver fatigue on road trips.

And while you’re at it, given wayward animals can be a danger for drivers everywhere, learn what to do if you hit an animal while driving.

Rural road safety is for everyone!

It doesn’t matter where you’re from. Research shows city slickers and regional residents are both more likely to break the rules on remote roads. Why is this? Well, this is embarrassing, but the most cited reason is “not getting caught”!

By who? Your guardian angel or the law?

Does this mean we as Australians are more open to risking our lives than getting caught by the law? If so, we may have some serious soul-searching to do.

Research shows city slickers and regional residents are both more likely to break the rules on remote roads.

COVID 19 travel restrictions and remote area access

Restrictions on interstate travel and access to remote areas resulted in a dip in road users in regional areas. Does this mean rural roads became safer to drive? According to the ARSF rural road safety webinar, the answer is no. Sadly, with fewer motorists in remote areas, those who do use the road are driving more recklessly.

Don’t be that driver; an open road is more splendid if you’re still healthy and safe to drive it next time too!

If, like so many Australians, you’re not spending as much time behind the wheel, find out how to look after your car when not driving. And speaking of COVID, here’s some info on road trip planning post pandemic after you check your demerits points situation. Better safe than sorry.

Rural or metro driving safety – we’re all in it together

Regardless of where you live and where you drive, you share the road with others. Your road behaviour can have knock-on effects on the motorists, passengers, cyclists or pedestrians who also use the road. Avoid risky driving for your sake, not just for the sake of the law. Road rules are in place to protect you and other road users.

Check your guardian angel’s latest tweet “Your inner voice is telling you to drive safely. Do it for you and other road users and the law. Remember the law is there to protect you!”

OK, ok, we wrote that ourselves, but we hope you can relate ????.

Speeding and other hazards

Every year, around 1,200 people die on Australian roads. The ARSF webinar says that for every fatality recorded, another 30 other people are seriously injured. This is why it’s so important to your safety and the safety of other road users that you have comprehensive car insurance.

This policy provides financial cover for damage caused to your car by accidents and for third-party liability of up to $20 million. Third-party liability gives you financial protection for legal costs that arise from damage to other people or their car/property.

With PD Insurance, comprehensive car insurance is extensive insurance cover that comes with plenty of added benefits and optional add-ons. Get a quick quote online today.

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