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What is a Car Immobiliser and Why is it Important?


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Your insurance company might have asked if you have a car immobiliser fitted to your vehicle. Are you one of the many people who don’t know whether they have one, or even what they are? Did you know having a car immobiliser fitted could reduce your insurance premium? Depending on your insurance provider, of course.

So what are car immobilisers, and why are they important? Aside from the potential for insurance savings…

What is a car immobiliser?

This clever little device is designed for one main purpose: to ensure your car can only be opened and started with your car keys.

There’s a lot of technology involved in modern car immobilisers. The basic premise is that when you start an engine, the immobiliser sends a request to the key. The key has to ‘respond’ with the right signal. If that doesn’t happen, the immobiliser won’t allow the engine to start (read about the process in more detail here).

Usually, this happens by disabling something like the ignition or starter motor. Most immobilisers also activate a car alarm if a mismatched key (or no key!) is used to attempt to start the car. Don’t you just love modern day car safety features.

Factory-fitted immobilisers are often considered the best type. This is because you can guarantee they’ll be fitted properly as they’re fitted by the manufacturer and are specific to your car model.

If your car has an immobiliser, some insurers may give you a lower premium. Why? Because your car is at lower risk of being stolen. But of course, your car insurance premium is calculated by using a wide range of factors that may push your premium up or down.

If you’re interested in saving on your car cover, find out how to lower your car insurance premium and why car insurance for young drivers is expensive.

Does my car have one?

If you answered the ‘does your car have an immobiliser’ question with “uuhhh…I don’t know?’’ then you might assume you don’t have one. But the reality is that most cars manufactured in the last couple of decades have an immobiliser as standard.

Want to find out? The easiest thing to do is check your owner’s handbook to see if you have a car immobiliser. If that’s not possible or you can’t figure it out, you can either contact the manufacturer or find a mechanic who can check for you.

close up of keys in car lock - cars with an immobiliser can only be started right the right keys

Will a car immobiliser prevent theft? Why are they important?

Having a car immobiliser definitely reduces the risk of theft. However, it isn’t foolproof. An immobiliser doesn’t completely eliminate the risk of your car being stolen. Savvy thieves can tow a car or use keyless car theft.

Because there are some weaknesses with car immobiliser systems, they should only form part of your car’s security system. You should also make sure to keep your car’s keys safe at all times, especially to prevent car theft at home. It might surprise you, but brazen thieves can steal your car from a “safe place” using your own keys – and this accounts for the majority of car thefts in Australia!

Find out more tips to prevent car theft here.

Comprehensive car insurance for theft and accidents

There’s no doubt having one makes your vehicle safer. That said, cars with immobilisers are still stolen.

So rather than relying entirely on your car immobiliser, protect yourself financially with a comprehensive car insurance policy. That way, you won’t have to fork out for the entire cost of a new car if you do fall victim to theft.

Did you know that with PD Insurance you’ll score award-winning insurance at an affordable price? Why not get a quick quote now?

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