This happy couple have pet insurance for their furkid with PD Insurance This happy couple have pet insurance for their furkid with PD Insurance this Responsible pet owners month

Is PD Insurance Good for Pet Insurance?


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Is PD Insurance good for pet insurance? This is a key question for thrifty pet parents who want the best for their furkid. And with nearly 29 million pets in our households at the time of writing, Australia has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world.

So, it may not surprise you that Aussie pet parents spend a total of around $2.6 billion at the vet each year. Let alone what we spend on equipment, accessories, food and fun for our pets! They’re an investment and a family member.

Pet insurance from PD Insurance can save pet owners tons of money in vet bills and pet related health and wellbeing costs. Maybe more importantly, it means when pets have accidents or get ill, their owners can say ‘yes’ to expert care more easily.

Which of course can mean a world of difference to your pet’s life when they need it most.

With this in mind, the real question is – why PD Insurance?

Because this cat and dog both have a pet plan with PD Insurance, their owner gets a multiple pet discount. with the

Is PD Insurance good for pet insurance: yes

A quick Google search on ‘pet insurance’ and you’ll know there are lots of pet insurance providers to choose from. With so many options how do you know what’s best? Keywords here are affordable, simple, reliable and quick – key parts of the PD Insurance offering.

It’s why our car insurance has been so popular all these years… We understand insurance like the back of our hand and we know what Australians want.

We know you’re looking for the highest quality insurance for the lowest cost, combined with attentive, quick service. Whether it’s to insure your pawed or your wheeled family member.

IMPORTANTLY, our month-to-month pet insurance plans don’t have any lock in contracts so you can stop your policy at any time without cancellation fees. Why wouldn’t you give us a try?

Let’s break down our offering for you…

What is the best pet insurance?

Not all pet insurance providers are made equal and there are some key points for you to consider:

  • Product offering
  • Benefits
  • Special discounts
  • Pricing
  • Policy wording
  • Claims turnaround

You’ll also want to look into how much time and effort they spent in educating their customers (like we do with our customers via the PD Insurance blog and Facebook page).

russian blue kitten playing. Getting insurance when your pet is young can help if they get sick

Product offering – the plans

PD Insurance has designed three plans to cover the basic through to the most comprehensive of pet needs. We also wanted to make sure that no matter your budget, there’s a plan you can choose. Which is why our customers can get pet insurance with us from as little as $1 a day.

Our three affordable and reliable pet plans are:

  • Accident plan: this is the most affordable plan, with several points of coverage ranging from treatment after accidents to third-party liability cover. This plan has a defined benefit of $5,000 a year*.
  • Classic plan: this is a happy medium between the Accident and Deluxe plans and our most popular. It includes 12 benefits – the above-mentioned coverage plus illness and hereditary conditions cover (after the waiting period passes). This plan has a defined benefit of $10,000 a year*.
  • Deluxe plan: this is our most comprehensive plan, with its 19 points of coverage including the above plus various dental treatments. This plan has a defined benefit of $20,000 a year*.

Check out our dog insurance plans and cat insurance plans to find out what benefits are covered across the plans.

Benefits really do benefit

When you buy a plan, you don’t always know what your pet will need down the line. Luckily, if you’re still unsure about getting your paws wet, you can always start with the Accident plan. That way you can move your cat or dog onto the Classic or Deluxe plan once you’re ready.

Regardless of what your furkid needs today, no one knows what might happen tomorrow. Pet insurance means you’re more prepared to give your pet a soft landing for the unexpected.

If your pet could read this, they’d be smiling and quickly answering your ‘Is PD Insurance good for pet insurance?’ question with a resounding YES (woof/meow).

sick puppy who might need flea or tick treatment to recover

Special discounts and price perks

PD Insurance offers a bunch of saucy discounts to suit you and your pet’s needs. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:

  • Free pet insurance: at the time of writing, we offer one or more months free when you buy your plan online.
  • Multi-policy discounts: potential discounts if you insure more than one pet with us, depending on your policy (in which case, you’ll likely want to read these articles: tips for pet proofing your home and ways to pet proof your car)
  • Affordable premiums: our premiums are designed to be so affordable, it’s like they’re already discounted
  • Fast and fair refund: submit your claim with the necessary paperwork and we’ll refund you within two business days

You can read about these in detail in our Product Disclosure Statement.

Policy wording

Sometimes insurance terminology can be a whole lot of gibberish. Which is why we’ve made sure to make our policy documents as transparent and easy to understand as possible. That’s because we know difficult-to-understand can sometimes mean hidden costs, which we don’t have.  

But to make double sure you know what’s going on when buying your pet plan, we’re also on standby to answer your questions via phone and email. If so, contact us here.

Claims turnaround

Pet insurance is different to car insurance in that you could easily make lots of claims in only one year. It happens with our customers all the time.

It could be a range of bills for different vet visits, tests and treatments, all for the same issue. Or, completely different accidents and illnesses that happen in relatively quick succession. Unfortunate but true.

Because our owner company has an insurance underwriting business, and that’s what underwrites PD Insurance policies, we’re able to make quick decisions on our pet insurance claims. Like, really quick. We pay out eligible claims within two business days of receiving the required documentation.

That’s lightning fast in pet insurance land and it means the medical costs are back in your pocket ASAP.

fluffy pet cat lying on wooden chair loves pet insurance

Is pet insurance worth it?

Pets face similar physical dangers to us. For instance, they need to be treated for various allergies, infections and other illnesses throughout their lifetime. They also need to have check-ups at the vet like we do with doctors. And of course, pets need dental care too.

On top of that, the financial and emotional cost of an worryingly unwell or unhealthy pet can take a major toll on a family. Just like it does when a child’s or parent’s health is compromised.

Then there are accidents, like fights with other pets, or pets getting loose and knocked by cars. Or damaging someone else’s person or property (enter third party liability cover). Such unforeseen accidents can be the worst, and costly. It’s times like these that you can’t afford to have to worry about money. And with pet insurance, you don’t have to.

Our pet plans cover these situations and more.

PD Insurance offers affordable and reliable pet insurance

Pets love us unconditionally, and that makes our lives so much better. They’re central members of our families and they make the lives of parents, singles, and kids more pawsome on the daily.

So, what can we give them in return? Love and appreciation, but also physical security and wellbeing. Which is where PD Insurance pet insurance is key as it helps provide this security without breaking (or even scuffing) the bank balance.

At the time of writing, we’re also offering one or more months of free dog insurance and cat insurance if you buy a customer pawlicy online. Plus, our month-to-month payments have no lock-in contract. Why not give us a go?!

*sub-limits apply

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