A woman, frustrated and searching, sitting in the driver's seat of a car trying to find her lost car keys.

Lost Car Keys? Find Them with Gadgets and Apps


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Lost car keys? Who hasn’t at least once, twice or thrice….? Not to worry, like everything else, there’s an app for that. In fact, there are several apps and gadgets that help locate your errant keys. You just use your phone and/or a remote fob to find them.

Then again many of us are as prone to misplacing our phones and remotes (and reading glasses) as our car keys. Then what… How do you find your lost stuff, when the stuff you use to find it is also lost? Bingo – you asked the right question!

In this article, we’ve listed solutions to find your lost keys and solutions to find your lost gadgets for finding lost keys! So relax, lean back, take a sip of your coffee and read on…

Lost car keys: A common problem

Quick question before we list the gadgets/apps. What’s the most thrilling part of driving for you? We’re guessing one of them is turning the key in the ignition and hearing the engine purr as it starts up. Even if you own a clunker it means you’re about to set off on some kind of road adventure… OK, potentially just an errand but getting out of the house is a blessing these days, right?!

Of course, if you drive a zero emission vehicle, there’s no purr because the electric car is virtually silent. Nevertheless, seeing the dashboard light up as you switch on your car is still a great part of the driving ritual.

However, many new cars don’t need car keys to start the car, you just press the ‘On’ button and you’re away. This may not sound like that big of a deal, but it’s a seismic shift in the way we think about keys. If we no longer associate car keys with the first step of driving, we’re even more likely to forget where they are.

But hey, we’re a button pushing generation, so let’s push those gadgets and apps and enjoy the ride!

This driver found their lost car keys fast with the Chipolo app.

Find One Find All (FOFA) key finder

Find One Find All (FOFA) is a great solution if you tend to misplace more than your keys, including things like reading glasses, phone etc.

Most key finding transmitters use a base or primary transmitter and a receiver you attach to your keyring. In theory, you press the base transmitter (usually a small remote device that looks a bit like a key fob). And it sends a signal to the receiver on your keyring that bleeps to say, “Hey I’m here!”

As mentioned, the problem with this system is when you can’t find your base transmitter. Then, what good is the whole set up? Which is why some genius invented a fool proof system: enter FOFA. With FOFA, you’re able to use up to 32 transmitters that come in more than one shape and size. Of course, you can opt for fewer transmitters too – the standard package comes with two.

Each transmitter will find all the others because they’re essentially all ‘primary’ transmitters. And they’ve been designed in two primary shapes to accommodate different ways of organising your stuff.

So, the regular key fob shaped transmitter can perhaps dangle on a hook in your kitchen. And/or you can keep the flat card shaped transmitter in your wallet.

Basically, FOFA is like having comprehensive car insurance, which covers you the most effectively. Only it’s about having comprehensive key finding assurance, which helps you find your keys (and other stuff) effectively. There’s even a lanyard transmitter you can use for your reading/sunglasses, so they don’t get lost either! It’s a one size fits all solution.

Watch this FOFA demo video to get the full picture:

Chipolo app

For those who always know where their phones are, a key finding app is a great solution. The Chipolo app uses a Bluetooth keyring attachment that your app locates so you can call it.

The Chipolo device is small, cute and unobtrusive, and besides lost car keys, you can attach it to and find other stuff too. It helps you save time finding your handbag, backpack, house keys and other lost stuff.

Unlike some apps, Chipolo has an added feature that lets others help find the lost item via their phones too. That way your entire household can get in on the game (which is of course great if you lose your phone).

  • Two-way tracking. If you misplace your phone, you can use your keyring attachment to call your phone
  • Notification alert. If you leave your car keys (or other items) behind with the Chipolo, it will send you an alert that you’re going out of range so you can remember to take them
  • Colours. Comes in multiple colour options

Chipolo’s battery should last up to two years and the device is water resistant. All in all, a fun gadget to have or gift to friends and family. Watch this video to find out more about this app:

More key finding apps

Here’s a list of different options to suit your pocket and find your keys (and other lost stuff):

With such a stunning array of lost car key solutions, it’s in with the keys, out with the heart palpitations. No more hours wasted finding keys and other crucial items when you’re meant to be giving a work presentation or missing a dinner date.

Maybe your keys are lost but they’re locked inside your car? If so, read about ways to recover keys locked in cars.

Car insurance for a soft landing

Finding your lost car keys instantly is a great timesaver and offers enormous peace of mind – which PD Insurance is all about. Therefore, we offer not just affordable online comprehensive car insurance, but other packages too. From third party property damage to third party fire and theft.

We’re committed to providing you with a soft landing that suits your pocket, helping you pay the claimable car damage expenses covered in your selected policy. So, if you have car related accident, loss or theft, we’ll be there to ease the cost.

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