Take Christmas with you with car decorations

5 Ways to Decorate Your Car this Christmas


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‘Tis the season to be jolly, and although Down Under there’s no snow (only snow globes) there’s still plenty to be joyful about. Considering many of us might be going on the ultimate Australian road trip these holidays there’s another way to get that festive spirit on… Decorate your car with Christmas car decorations and drive with the festive spirit!

Seriously, what could be more satisfying than having the festive season vibe with you – wherever you travel to? How far you take things is up to you. Whether you turn your entire vehicle into Rudolph the reindeer or you just keep some mistletoe on your dash is up to you.

We’re here to spread the festive feels with four fab options:

Get these Christmas car decorations (Santa would love)

This year we’re bringing on the jolly with four car decorations that span from the absurd… erm, who locked Santa in the boot??… to the enchanting. But let’s not give the game away; have a squizz right here then check out the pics below.

#1 The Grinch that stole Christmas

The Grinch who stole Christmas vinyl sticker for cars

Decorate your car with a beloved Dr. Seuss hero – the Grinch. Made of high grade vinyl this sticker goes on the outside so that dear ol’ Grinchy can stare out at the traffic behind you. Bound to make your day every time you get into your car.

Get this car Christmas decoration here.

#2 Christmas car reindeer antlers – oh yeah!

Reindeer antlers and nose for vehicles

If you’re ready to turn your automobile into Santa’s leading reindeer then bring it on. Deck out your car as Rudolph the reindeer with 3D printed antlers and a plush red nose.

Get this jolly car Christmas decoration here.

#3 Christmas car reflective light decorations

Christmas car decorative lights

What’s Christmas without lots of sparkle and cheer and bright shiny colourful lighting? If we were in deep snow, we’d have candles on thick pines, but hey, some reflective lights on our Christmas car are the Aussie Christmas on the go!

Get your Christmas car magnet light decorations here.

#4 Bobby dashboard Santa doll

dashboard dolls for cars

Bobbing head dashboard dolls have been popular ever since the Beatles. Get your own custom dashboard doll from a choice of Santa, elves, reindeer and even a bobbing Christmas tree.

Get your bobbing head doll here:

#5 Who locked Santa in the car boot?!

Santa Claus in the boot

Seriously, this first Christmas car decoration is a bit… dark. But then again kids love jokes and your fellow drivers will be having a hoot too!

Get your Santa Claus here.

More ways to get your car’s jolly on this summer

Maybe you’re not looking for ways to decorate your car but looking to buy a car this Christmas? In this case you’ll want to know whether Christmas is a good time to buy a car and what the five best car choices are for your Yuletide present checklist.

Or perhaps you don’t want Christmas car decorations, but you’re still after something festive… In this case, we’ve got you covered with these exciting ideas:

Before decking your vehicle out with Christmas car decorations make sure you only choose what’s legal and what won’t distract you while driving. For example, dangling mistletoe or dice from your rearview mirror isn’t allowed. Who knew?!

In addition to making your car look nice, you’ll want to know it drives well and is well safeguarded too, so why not…

Decorate your car with award winning car insurance

PD Insurance offers award winning car insurance to cover you in case of a variety of incidents. From extreme weather conditions that can damage your car, to malicious damage, accidents and theft – all our plans also include cover for damage you might accidentally cause to another vehicle.

Let your hair down this summer and enjoy driving with car insurance tailored to you. Click below to get a quote.

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