Can dogs eat food at a table?

Can Dogs Eat …?


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Have you found yourself asking Google if dogs can eat cheese, baked beans, Vegemite or prawns? Or anything weird and possibly not-so-wonderful that your pup found and ate?

Well, we can assure you that you’re not alone. Because of how popular these questions are for vets and the internet alike we’re taking a dive into all the top questions asked about what dogs can and can’t eat. Find all the answers to your questions and everyone else’s all in one spot.

Can dogs enjoy these wonderful human foods?

It’s neat that Google ranks their searches in order; it’s always interesting to see what pet parents are finding their pups eating most often. For no reason other than popularity, we’ll keep this list in the same order.

Just as a forewarning, your dog may not enjoy anything on this list – just like us, our furbabies have their own personal preferences. If you find something appealing on this list that’s healthy for our furry friends, it doesn’t mean they’ll enjoy it.

Can dogs eat bread?

A black and white dog chewing on a piece of bread.

Simply, yes. Plain bread is definitely not toxic to dogs. But the fact of the matter is it offers them no nutritional value and doesn’t make for a good part of their diet because of that. Plus, feeding them lots of bread doesn’t leave as much room for tail-or made dog food.

On an important side note, raw bread dough, specifically the yeast, reacts when it hits your pup’s tummy and can cause bloat or bread dough toxicosis (which is dangerous).

Can dogs eat apples?

A dog sitting in a wooden box full of apples, wondering if he can eat them.

An apple a day keeps the vet at bay! Yup, apples are a nutritionally positive food for dogs. They’re healthy and a great way to clean your furball’s teeth and gums. Pair that with regular teeth cleaning, and you’re all set. Did you know our Deluxe dog insurance plan includes dental cover?! Say goodbye to tooth and gum issues and hello to those pearly whites.

Apples can also help with their digestion because of apples’ naturally high fibre content. Just be careful with the apple core; like with other fruit seeds and cores it can cause digestive issues and possibly be a dog choking hazard.

Can dogs eat watermelon?

A black and white puppy standing next to a watermelon.

Another winner, watermelon is great for your dog if they’re so inclined. Watermelon is packed full of antioxidants, potassium, and vitamins. And just like apples it’s high in fibre, but too many seeds will probably cause some problems in your furbaby’s belly.

If your pup loves watermelon, seedless watermelons will make a great treat for everyone!

Can dogs eat grapes?

A bunch of grapes in a glass bowl.

The short answer is no! Going along with the trend of other fruits mentioned above you might think they’d be great for your dog. Grapes are very dangerous to your dog’s health and it’s the same with raisins.

Find out more in our article ‘Can dogs eat grapes?

Can dogs eat broccoli?

A pot of cooked broccoli.

Yes, cooked broccoli is safe for dogs to eat.

Think of the stalk and the florets as two different parts, with the latter being the naughty sibling. The florets contain small molecules that can upset your pup’s tummy in larger portions. Also make sure to portion their broccoli intake, and to cut it into small pieces to prevent choking or it being problematic when going through their intestine.

Can dogs eat prawns?

A pile of shrimp on a white surface.

Yes, dogs can eat prawns! These little crustaceans are loaded with goodies like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which work wonders for your dog’s skin, joints, heart, and eyes. Plus, prawns are also packed with protein, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, and vitamin B12—all essential for your dog’s health.

However, it’s important to note that prawns come with a side of caution. They’re high in sodium and cholesterol, so moderation is key.

When it’s time for your dog to eat prawns, remember to play it safe by removing all of the shell, head, tail, and vein. This is especially important to avoid any choking or tummy troubles. 

Stick with boiling as the cooking method to keep things healthy, and steer clear of fancy flavours or fried options that can pack on the pounds or contain harmful ingredients like garlic and onion. If your dog accidentally eats a prawn shell, keep a watchful eye for any unusual reactions, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the vet if needed.

Can dogs eat cheese?

A person using a grater to grate some cheese.

Yes, dogs can eat cheese. While cheese is not toxic to dogs it’s not a great choice for them to eat it. Some dogs are lactose intolerant or could be allergic, which may lead to an upset tummy.

Can dogs eat cheese? All that being said, a small amount as a treat every so often isn’t a bad idea. Just be careful with blue cheese – it’s a big no no and any cheeses that contain other ingredients like garlic, onion or herbs can make them ill. As long as it’s plain cheese (that’s not blue cheese) they’ll be fine in moderation.

Side note: Cheese can be a great way to sneak your pup a tablet they may be refusing to eat. Read how to give medicine to your puppy here.

Can dogs eat mango?

A group of sliced mangoes on a green surface.

Another great choice, yes! Mango, provided it’s peeled, and the pip removed, is a great addition to their diet. Mango in moderation has good nutritional value for furbabies. Though like all the other health-positive fruity options, don’t overdo it.

Can dogs eat mango skin?

When it comes to mangoes, the skin might not be the best bet for your doggo. It’s tough to digest, so it’s a good idea to peel the mango and remove the skin before serving it up.

Those mango pits, though, are the real troublemakers. They’re not just a choking hazard; they actually contain traces of cyanide, which is a big no-no!

If your dog swallows a mango pit, keep a close eye on them for any signs of discomfort or strange behaviour. If you’re feeling unsure, contact your vet immediately.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

Wondering if dogs can eat pineapple, cheese, prawns, or even baked beans? Well, read this article to find out what your pup can or can't actually snack on.

A not-uncommon alternative to some doggy treat options, pineapple is full of nutrients that support your furball’s overall health.

The tangy tasting fruit isn’t appealing to all dogs, but if you’d like to try a fun treat you can give them a taste of a pineapple smoothie or in doggie ice cream (yep, it’s a thing) …

Can dogs eat popcorn?

A woman is enjoying popcorn with a dog in front of a TV.

Safe answer here: generally, no. It’s not safe for your dog, especially on a regular basis. While plain, air-popped popcorn is safe for our furry friends in small quantities, almost all the regular toppings we enjoy on our popcorn is not good for them.

There’s no reason to worry if your pup manages to steal a few dropped pieces of popcorn, but we’d recommend keeping it out of their diet.

Can dogs eat baked beans?

Wondering if dogs can eat cheese, prawns, or even baked beans? Well, read this article to find out what your pup can or can't actually snack on.

Unfortunately, it’s a no-go. Dogs should not eat baked beans. While the beans themselves aren’t toxic, the sauce they’re often cooked in may contain harmful ingredients, especially for dogs. Baked beans pack a punch with high fat and sugar content, making them risky, especially for dogs with diabetes (here’s some diet tips to manage diabetes). Plus, the tomato-based ketchup in baked beans is a double whammy – tomatoes are harmful to dogs.

While your dog might not show immediate side effects from eating baked beans accidentally, it’s best to steer clear to avoid potential issues like pancreatitis or damage to their red blood cells over time. If your dog does end up eating baked beans and shows any signs of a reaction, don’t wait – give your vet a call pronto.

Can dogs eat Vegemite?

Two bananas and a jar of Vegemite on a blue surface.

Obviously, Aussies want to know about one of the nation’s favourite spreads – Vegemite.

Dogs can eat it, but in moderation. Vegemite has a very high salt content, which isn’t good for them, but some here and there in very small amounts won’t do any harm.

In fact, many pet parents love it because its sticky consistency and strong taste makes it handy to hide tablets their fur kids might need to take.

Read more on ‘can dogs eat Vegemite’ here.

Can dogs eat dragon fruit?

Half of a dragon fruit sits on a plate, ready to be enjoyed.

Wondering if dogs can indulge in dragon fruit? Absolutely! This fruit boasts being low in fat and calories while packing a punch of vital nutrients, making it an excellent choice for a canine-friendly treat. Picture fortified bones, hydration, strengthened immunity and agile joints.

However, always adhere to the cardinal rule: moderation is key! Excessive consumption may result in dental issues or digestive discomfort. Oh, and a crucial tip: ensure to remove the skin before serving it to your furry friend. The skin is indigestible and could upset your dog’s stomach. Therefore, reserve dragon fruit as an occasional delight rather than a daily nibble.

Is oatmeal fine for pooch?

A man feeding a dog from a bowl of plain cooked oatmeal.

Ever wondered if dogs can eat oatmeal and perhaps join you at the breakfast table? Well, the answer is yes they can eat oatmeal, but in moderation. Big dogs can have up to a half cup of plain cooked oats (not the instant type) once or twice a week.

Avoid any toppings or additives (see if dogs can eat grapes further on, as this answer applies to raisins too). Things like sugar, milk, butter and salt should all be avoided – those are human foods only.

What about Rockmelon?

Two halves of a ripe rockmelon

Rockmelon goes by many names. While we tend to call it Rockmelon, around the world it’s known  as sweet melon, muskmelon, mush melons, Persian melons, Crenshaw melon, spanspek and cantaloupe.

This is worth knowing if you’re Googling “Can dogs eat Rockmelon?”

Dogs can eat and even benefit from this fresh and juicy fruit. Remove the seeds and rind which they shouldn’t have any offer them up a tasty bit of the melon pulp. The seeds aren’t dangerous but can be a choking hazard.

Make sure the Rockmelon’s ripe and only give a little every so often. After all, while this juicy melon makes a delicious dog treat, it’s full of sugar which is never good in large quantities.

Foody fun and knowledge for pets

What else is there to know about pets and food? Lots! In fact, we’ve rounded up some juicy info right here:

Now for some award winning pet insurance tips!

Cover their kabooses for food fails and more

These are just some of the things that might cause problems for your pet. And the unfortunate reality is no matter how much effort you’ve put into pet proofing your home and yard or going through puppy training school accidents and illnesses can still happen.

That’s where dog insurance can help. PD Insurance is dedicated to a long-term vision of consistently providing pets and their people with softer landings in the most crucial moments.

 A value-rich, flexible PD pet insurance plan will help you cover the cost of a wide range of treatments. Why not get a quote today? Get a quote to find out.

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