a beagle is one of the kindest dog breeds

The Kindest Dog Breeds


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Wondering about the kindest dog breeds? All dogs make great companions, but not all of them are fans of smooches and bear hugs. And some may not be so good with your children.

Some dogs like a bit of social distancing, which is not so great for us pet parents who want to smother them with love. Dogs’ past experiences often play a big role in the way they interact with people. But some breeds are just naturally more affectionate than others.

If you’re thinking of adopting a dog that’s naturally kind, has an easy-going temperament, a warm personality, and is keen on kisses, you need to read this! We’ve looked into just three of the kindest, most affectionate dog breeds for you.

Of course, there are plenty more so keep your Google searching going after reading this…

beagle lying on couch - one of the kindest dogs for families

1. Adora-Beagles

It’s hard to not fall in love with a Beagle. Their friendly faces and long, soft ears are custom made for a cuddle session. Beagles are one of the kindest dog breeds out there! They’re known for being sweet and good natured. No wonder they’re adored by everyone they meet.

Looking for the kindest dog breeds? Beagle pros:

Firstly, Beagles are generally good with kids. They tend to get along well with other dogs because they’re not aggressive by nature. Beagles are always eager to play, so would suit an energetic family. They loooove spending time with their favourite humans.

These floppy-eared furbabies make amazing family dogs. They’re like built in babysitters because they can keep the kids entertained for hours.

Yes, they can be a handful and Beagle epilepsy is a thing, but they are totally worth it! Pet proofing your home will be important if you have a Beagle-shaped addition to the household.

Fun Beagle fact: Beagle means “Loudmouth” in French.

this springer spaniel is one of the kindest dog breeds you can find

2. Sensational Springer Spaniels

Heard that famous quote from “It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!” from Despicable Me? That’s Springer Spaniels to a tee. They have gorgeous fluffy fur and the friendliest of faces. But they’re not just a pretty face. Spaniels are very intelligent and learn quickly.

Why you should adopt a Springer Spaniel:

Springer Spaniels love to be around people. They’re clever and curious, which means they’re fun to train. Want to teach high fives and cute tricks? A Springer Spaniel is perfect for that. Get a head start by reading four of our top puppy training tips.

You might also want to read our 5 easy dog training tricks for pup parents.

Because they’re playful and energetic, Spaniels are great with kids too. But just like most ofour other kindest dog breeds, they can be a handful. Make sure to give them enough exercise and stimulation, kids or not. While they’re gorgeous, friendly dogs, Spaniels need to be kept entertained.

Otherwise, say goodbye to your favourite shoes and/or furniture.

Fun Springer Spaniel fact: Many celebrities have owned Springers. George H.W. Bush had one named Millie.

old golden retriever which is another of the kindest dog breeds around

 3. Golden Retrievers (named after hearts of gold!)

These golden boys (sorry!) are real winners when it comes to dishing out affection and love. They’re naturally one of the kindest dog breeds around. Plus they are undeniably beautiful. The kind of dogs who deserve their own set of calendar-style portraits we think… (Read about taking pet pictures).

Why you should adopt a Golden Retriever:

Golden Retrievers are obedient, playful and some of the best family pets you could ever want.

Retrievers have sweet, goofy personalities. They’re naturally sociable and enjoy being around people as well as other dogs. They’re unbeatable companions and make the best furry friends for both adults and kids.

If you need any more convincing as to why you should be eyeing up one of these kindest dog breeds for your home, it turns out that kids growing up with pets– experience loads of benefits. These include better health and more compassion.

Fun Golden Retriever fact: Golden retrievers are good swimmers. Their webbed feet and long, fluffy tail add to their natural swim talent.

Kind dog breeds aplenty

Amongst the kindest dog breeds, there are plenty of options to choose from. Apart from the three dog breeds highlighted in this article, other breeds like Spoodles, Australian Shepherds, Pugs, Border Collies, Yorkshire Terriers and the Cavoodle also make great cuddle buddies.

These dogs can be just as affectionate and loving by nature as the ones we’ve covered above. In fact, the list is almost endless thanks to all the breeds available these days!

Remember: all dogs deserve a loving home and the vast majority can become well-trained. With the right pet-human match, some TLC, and good guidance, most doggos are right at home with their human families.

Another thing to remember is adopting in an ethical way – our companion animals deserve this too. Read our article that provides tips for avoiding puppy mills.

No matter the dog breed, pet insurance is a need

Whether you’ve added one of the kindest dog breeds to your home or not, pet insurance can give you peace of mind. If in doubt, check in with a local vet for expert advice when bringing home an adopted dog. Discuss with them any concerns about your new furry friend. If you have pet insurance you won’t have to worry about the vet bills… just the cuddles!

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