dog treats make great Christmas gifts for pet lovers

14 Christmas Gift Ideas for Aussie Pet Lovers


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Christmas gifts for pet lovers are the perfect way to celebrate your furkids this summer! They’ve been at our side through thick and thin and now lockdowns are over (hopefully furever) we’ve lots to celebrate.

What better way to show our pets how much we love them than with a little something special under the tree. From toys, beds and gourmet treats to the latest pet gadgets, we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to Christmas gifts for pet lovers.

Whether you have cats, dogs or both there’s something here they’ll love.

Your guide to Christmas gifts for pet lovers

Cat dads, dog mums, whoever you are – listen up. Here’s your list of Christmas gifts for pet lovers:

  1. Dog treats. Gourmet dry fish treats that are good for joints and bones
  2. Catnip toy. Made from high quality catnip
  3. Cat collars. A break-away collar in every style for every cat
  4. DNA test. Find out your pet’s breed
  5. Pet pheromones. Make Christmas smooth sailing with a diffuser to keep pets calm
  6. Carob drops. Because dogs can’t eat chocolate 😊
  7. De-shedding brush. The summer shedding must-have
  8. Water fountain. Pets love these
  9. Pet cooling mat. Another summer must-have
  10. Cat scratcher. Not your typical cat scratcher (think home décor)
  11. Interactive cat feeding toy. Encourages playing
  12. Interactive dog feeding toy. Encourages foraging
  13. Pet food stand and bowls. Foldable and raised for easy use
  14. Pet insurance. To help keep your pawsome cat or dog safe and sound

Now scroll down to view each of these furboulous Christmas gifts for pet lovers…

Christmas gourmet fish dog treats

This colourful Christmas dog treat pack is full of powerful health benefits. It contains green lipped mussels, hoki fish (also known as blue grenadier) and ling fish skins. These ingredients make great low fat chews that provide muscle and joint support.

Supplementing your dog’s diet with joint support can help prevent hip dysplasia in dogs (especially bigger breeds like the German Shepherd or Labrador Retriever. Even better when your dog’s nutritious supplements taste good! Get gourmet fish dog treats from Healthy Dog Treats.

gourmet Christmas fish pack for dogs are good for bones and muscles

‘Doughnut Day’ catnip toy

Celebrate Christmas and ‘doughnut days’ at the same time. Get your cat a doughnut catnip toy made with premium catnip, sewn out of eco-friendly felt and recycled filler. None of the doughnut ‘icing’ or ‘toppings’ is glued on; everything is machine sewn to be securely attached.

If you’re like us and can’t decide which topping to choose, why not get more than one! There are five different toppings that look a bit like chocolate, vanilla, caramel, strawberry and custard (but hey, that’s just our interpretation). Why not see for yourself – you can buy them at Chacon the Conscious Cat Store.

Ever wondered why your cat goes gaga for catnip? Or why they don’t? The simple answer is it’s in their DNA; some cats have the catnip DNA loving code in their DNA and others simply don’t. Read what does catnip do and celebrate with a ‘doughnut day’ catnip toy.

Catnip doughnuts are great Christmas gifts for pet lovers

Cat collars

Celebrate your cat’s independence (yes we mean indoor cats too) with a safe break-away cat collar. The Zee cat collar range comes in five fabulous summer colours and is an economical choice for cats that routinely ‘break-away’ from and lose their collars.

If you’re not already aware of why the only collar safe for cats is a break-away one, then read all about cat collars. Cats tend to explore the places we least expect them to and they need an un-clip collar that won’t accidentally choke them if they get caught on something.

The Zee cat collar range is designed to fit cats of all sizes and has a plastic break-away clip. It’s made from soft polyester and you can buy it from the Vet Shed.

break away cat collar makes a good cat Christmas present

Pet DNA test

A cat or dog DNA test can be great fun because you get to find out what your pet’s origins are likely to be. These days many ethical dog breeders that are members of breeding registers routinely do dog DNA tests. Now you can too, and it’s super easy. There are many dog DNA tests on the market and most allow you to sign up online, start a profile and order your doggy DNA swabs.

Once you take a sample of doggy saliva using the swabs you send it to the lab and your results get loaded to your online profile. Some tests even offer health advice according to your dog’s genetic makeup. Get your dog’s DNA test from Orivet.

cat and dog dna tests can tell you about genetic makeup

Pet pheromones diffusers for cats and dogs

Christmas is an exciting time of the year for us humans, but it can be anxiety inducing for pets. With friends and family coming over, lots of new smells and the general excitement of summer, keeping pets calm can be a gift in its own right.

Try out pet pheromones for cats and dogs that mimic the scent of their biological parents to help them feel calm and festive. There are many brands to choose from; why not start with Adaptil for canines and Feliway for felines.

feliway and adaptil are good Christmas gifts for pet lovers

Carob drops for dogs

Almost everyone knows chocolate isn’t good for dogs (read about chocolate toxicity in dogs and cats). But mother nature hasn’t left them out – carob is perfectly safe for doggos to munch! Because unlike coffee, carob doesn’t contain caffeine or theobromine.

Carob is essentially a bean and has the added benefit of being high in fibre. It’s a great health snack that’s fast so it’s not surprising it’s become a popular treat for pups. Carob drops get great reviews from other pet parents. Get them from the Australian Pet Treat Company (or look elsewhere for sugar free options).

Christmas gifts for pet lovers can include gourmet dog carob

Furminator de-shedding tools for cats and dogs

Getting a pet de-shedding tool is every bit as much a gift for you as it is for your pet. But let’s admit it – the reason our Aussie sunsets have that orange tint could just be from all the shedding pets need to do to stay cool in summer!

Furminator de-shedding tools get great online reviews and are bound to help your pet and furniture stay free of added fur. Be sure to do your homework and choose the correct brush. The range includes brushes for long and short haired dogs and cats.

Need more fur elimination tips? Read our article on how to remove pet fur from clothes and furniture.

deshedding brushes make great Christmas gifts for cats and dogs

Pet water fountain

Pet fountains are the way forward for pets to have fresh water 24/7 – especially in summer heat. Many cats and dogs prefer to drink from a moving fountain of water than from a still bowl of water. This makes sense because the water is filtered and stays cleaner longer.

Cats in particular don’t have much of a thirst reflex because they’ve evolved to get hydration through their food. Read dry cat food vs wet to see why. A water fountain can help entice your feline friend to remain hydrated and healthy for the festive season.

We noticed the whisper water pet fountain holds 2.5 liters, is easy to clean and gets great reviews.

pet water fountain is a good Christmas gift for a pet lover

Pet cooling mat

A top pick on our list of Christmas gift ideas for Aussie pet lovers is a pet cooling mat. As you may know pets don’t sweat so it can be hard for them to beat the summer heat. A cooling mat is handy to take on holidays and it can be slotted into your pet’s bed for comfy coolness.

There are lots of pet cooling mats – some are flat, others are plush like a bed. Whatever you decide, get one that suits your pet’s size. We like this one with its summer beach look for keeping your pet feeling cool and keeping your home looking cool.

pet cooling mat

Cat scratcher

Save your furniture this Christmas with a brand new cat scratcher. We’ve looked at hundreds of different cat scratchers and this year we’re hooked on the Original D&C Infinity Deluxe Cat Scratcher and Lounge for many reasons.

First, this cat scratcher is made from recycled materials so it gets a thumbs up. Second, it gets rave reviews from lots of satisfied pet parents. (Many who are ordering seconds for different areas of the home)! And third, it simply looks amazing – almost like an interior décor design.

Oh, and fourth is of course that this cat scratcher doubles as a lounge bed for your cat. How could we resist.

modern cat scratcher

Interactive cat feeding toy

Another great Christmas gift for pet lovers is a feeding toy that simultaneously slows down feeding or snacking and plays with your cat. After all, eating slowly is good for more than digestion. It also helps keep your cat slim, which is good for their health. (Read our article on National Pet Obesity Day for stats on overweight animals plus info on the health issues this causes and feeding/other tips to help combat it.)

This interactive egg toy and food dispenser will stimulate your cat’s senses and entertain them. For cats this is particularly important because it reproduces the games they play with prey in nature. Only this option is much safer for the surrounding wildlife.

interactive cat feeding toy

Snuffle mat for dogs

Much like interactive food toys for cats engage with a cat’s instinct to play with its prey, snuffle mats cater to your dog’s foraging skills. Snuffle mats are our top pick for interactive dog food toys because they encourage your dog to sniff and paw their way to a yummy treat.

We’ve selected the Round Cinch Top Dog Snuffle Mat Bowl because it folds open flat or you can tighten the drawstring to make it into a bowl-shape. The mat is made from felt with a non-slip underside so your dog can have fun and be entertained while they sniff and search out a Christmas treat.

dog snuffle matts

Pet food bowls and stand

We love this foldable pet food stand that raises your pet’s food and water off the floor. It looks amazing and judging from the reviews, people and their pets love it. The elevated access to food might suit some big dogs better – especially if they have any joint or muscular issues.

The food stand conveniently folds and can be moved out the way to wipe up spills for an easy clean. The bowls can be taken out and washed and they’re made from stainless steel.

pet food stand

Pet insurance – one of the best Christmas gifts for pet lovers

We might be biased but we think the best Christmas gift for your pet is pet insurance.

Why, you ask? Whether it’s Christmas dangers for pets or something else your BFF comes into contact with that’s bad for pets, you never know what can happen. Accidents, illnesses, hospitalisations, surgeries, other emergency vet treatments, medical tests and medicines can cost a small fortune. Pet insurance helps cover these costs so you can enjoy the festive season with your pets, knowing we’ve got you covered.

Go on, get your pet the ultimate Christmas gift and click below.

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