two dog pawprints on orange sand represent dogs feet that smell like corn chips

Why Do My Dog’s Paws Smell Like Corn Chips?


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Are you among the dozens of Australians Googling “why do dogs feet smell like corn chips?” Yes, feet and not paws but whatever 😉 If you’ve ever gotten up close and personal with your pup’s paws, you might’ve noticed a smell kind of like Doritos, Fritos or popcorn. It might also have led you to wonder “why do dogs like the smell of feet??”

We look at what causes that smell, whether it’s normal, and when you need to take action. You’ll also find out why your dog sniffs your feet (it’s not because they smell like corn chips too).

Let’s pounce right in…

paw prints on a road. you may be wondering why do dog feet smell like corn chips?

So … why do dogs feet smell like corn chips?

The “corn chip” scent of your dog’s tootsies is caused by a combination of bacteria and yeast that naturally live on their skin and paws. Bacteria and yeast feed on the oils and sweat your dog produces, which then creates this characteristic odour.

Proteus or Pseudomonas are the bacteria responsible for this smell, while Malassezia is the yeast responsible. Most pups’ skin have these typically harmless microorganisms.

The reason why the smell is sometimes compared to corn chips or popcorn is due to the specific combination of odours produced by the bacteria and yeast. It’s a unique scent that’s only found in dogs and isn’t typically considered unpleasant. In fact, many owners simply love it 😍

We like to see it as another unique doggy quirk that makes us love them even more.

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When should I be concerned?

Having a mild “corn chip” scent their footsies is totally normal. However, if you notice an unusual or excessively strong smell coming from your dog’s feet, it’s a good idea to consult with your vet. They’ll be able to rule out or treat any underlying health issues.

These could include:

🐾A bacterial or fungal infection

This is an infection in the paws or between their toes. It may be accompanied by redness, swelling, or discharge.


Allergies can cause inflammation and itching, leading to excessive licking and paw chewing. You may notice other symptoms such as skin rashes, hives, or respiratory issues.

🐾Metabolic disorders

Certain metabolic disorders such as liver disease, kidney disease or diabetes in dogs can cause changes in their sweat and oil production.

🐾Dietary issues

A poor quality diet or food intolerance can affect your pup’s overall health and cause an unpleasant odour in their feet or elsewhere on their body.

🐾Environmental factors

Exposure to certain chemicals, such as cleaning products or lawn chemicals, can also play a role.

close up brown dog's paw image.

Remedies for when dogs’ feet smell like corn chips

It’s a good idea to keep your pup’s paws clean and dry as much as possible. This will prevent the build-up of too many bacteria and yeast, which can lead to skin infections. Here are some top tips to keep their doggie feet clean:

🐾Regular grooming

This will help remove dirt and debris, potentially reducing the growth of bacteria and yeast that cause a smell.

🐾Wipe your dog’s paws

After your dog has been outside, wipe their paws with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, grass, or other debris.

🐾Use foot soaks

Soaking your dog’s feet in a solution of warm water and apple cider vinegar can help reduce a smell and prevent the growth of bacteria and yeast. Use a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar, and soak your dog’s feet for about 10 minutes.

🐾Use paw balms

Applying a paw balm to your dog’s paws can help moisturise and protect their skin, reducing the growth of bacteria and yeast. Look for a balm that contains natural ingredients like beeswax or shea butter.

🐾Feed a high-quality diet

Feeding your dog a diet that’s rich in essential nutrients will keep them healthy, which can reduce the likelihood of skin and paw issues that cause odour.

This vet recommends some other natural ways you can treat you pup’s feet:

Why do dogs like the smell of feet?

And now for our next question, why do dogs like the smell of our feet? While it’s not entirely clear why your pup likes the smell of your feet, it’s not considered abnormal behaviour. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and they often find themselves attracted to various scents, such as the smell of feet.

🦶Foot sweat contains salt and other organic compounds that you pup may find appealing. If your pup licks them frequently, they may like the salty taste. It sounds yuck to us, but it’s perfectly normal for your dog!

🦶Dogs have a strong sense of smell and are often drawn to the scent of other dogs. The smell of feet may be similar to the scent of other dogs.

🦶Dogs often use their sense of smell to communicate with other dogs and humans. Sniffing or licking your feet may be a way for dogs to gather information about their environment or to show affection towards you.

🦶Some dogs may have learned to associate the smell of feet with positive experiences, such as receiving attention or treats from their owners. As a result, they may be more likely to seek out the scent of feet in the future.

Here are some other reasons why:

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Paw-sitively pawsome insurance

Whether your pup smells like corn chips or roses, you adore them. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re financially covered if they ever get into an accident or come down with an illness.

PD Insurance is an award winning insurance provider (2022 Canstar Award for Outstanding Value – Pet Insurance) who offers dog insurance plans that keep it real, like your big ‘ole pup. Simple and low in cost with quick claims and no lock-in contracts.

Is your gentle giant already insured elsewhere? We’ve got you. We’ll pay up to $150* per pet towards any switching fees your current insurer charges and waive any waiting periods if your pet’s already had insurance for 12 months or more. Nothing to lose, plenty to gain…

*At the time of writing

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