Pamper your cat with interactive cat toys or cat towers like this one.

Top 12 Ways to Pamper Your Cat


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Since the moment your feline fur baby joined your home, your life changed for the better. There are endless ways to spoil your kitty in return and only the best will do. For ins-paw-ration, check out our top 12 ways to pamper your cat, like buying a cat tower, fountain, or litter box, or going to a cat cafe…

Because you know your floof deserves it, right?

1. Share your space to pamper your cat

Does your favourite feline receive an invitation into your bed? Curl up next to you on a blanket while you’re working from home? Whether kitty is curled up next to you or taking up the entire bed, cats love to snuggle up and rest their head on their favourite hooman’s lap.

Truly, there’s something so peaceful about having a cat cuddle up to you as you drift off to sleep. 💤

Feeling your cat sleep beside or against you is special, as it highlights the love and comfort they feel with you. Plus, spending quality time with your cat can help boost oxytocin, aka the ‘love’ or ‘cuddle’ hormone.

So, we suggest pampering your cat by allowing them to sleep on the bed with you because it’s a great bonding experience and a great way to show your cat how much you care. Go on, let puss catch some zzz’s with you and enjoy those cosy nights together.

This is such an easy way to pamper your cat – you could do it with your eyes closed! (sorry, we couldn’t resist)

Pamper your Russian Blue cat like this one by letting it sleep on your bed.

2. A trip to the groomer

Pamper your cat with a trip to the salon – or even a holiday. Let us help with our guide to pet-friendly accommodation in New South Wales and pet-friendly accommodation in WA.

Aside from regularly brushing and perhaps even bathing your cat (if you’re wondering should you bath a cat, usually only hairless cats need them), scheduling regular visits to the groomers will help keep their fur healthy. This will help reduce the chances of hairballs, knots/tangles, and skin conditions, keeping kitty healthy and happy and giving you peace of mind.

Pamper your cat by letting a groomer clip their nails, clean their face and ears, and more. Plus, this way you don’t have to listen to any protests!

3. Special treats to pamper your cat

Your cat may have a favourite variety of food and treats they eat often, but pampering them with something new or different is a fun idea. You can readily find inspiration from your supermar-cat or specialty pet store, including some all-natural treats made right here in Australia.

As an alternative, you can try human foods that are sure to have your cat purring for more. Also read our relevant food-related articles:

Your feline like this British Shorthair cat may have a favourite variety of treats they eat often, but pamper them with something new is a fun idea.

4. Cat towers and hammocks provide a room with a view

Cats love perching in high places so they can survey their kingdom.

Your cat instinctively wants to climb too, so pamper your cat by giving them their own space. We suggest gifting them a cat tower or a hammock. This is safe for them and better for your furniture.

Cat towers for climbing and exploring 🐱

Cat towers are a great way to pamper your cat as it provides a safe spot to relax and explore, as well as giving them an opportunity to scratch and play. It provides physical stimulation too, and prevents unwanted behaviour like scratching the carpet and squabbling with other cats.

Your cat’s going to love being pampered with a cat tower; it’s a great place to jump, explore, and finally – relax.

When it comes to choosing the best cat tower for your feline friend, there are several things to consider. To pamper your cat, you want to make sure the size of the cat tower is appropriate for your cat, and that it’s sturdy enough to support its weight. Also look for a cat tower that has multiple levels and features such as small shelves and condos.

In this blog, we share the top 12 ways to pamper your cat. For example, buying a cat litter box or a cat tower like the one this black-and-white cat is perched on.

Worth a mention is the Freestyle Floor to Ceiling Cat Tree from Omlet. What a great way to pamper your cat, as it’s completely customisable and comes with tons of cool accessories. Cat scratchers, hammocks, and dens are all on the list. If your cat enjoys playing with toys, you might want to choose one that has dangling toys or a ball track.

As mentioned, having a cat tower provides an area for your cat to scratch to their heart’s delight. Be sure to grab one with scratching posts to help keep your cat from ruining your furnishings. When cats wake up from a nap, they adore a good scratching session, so it’s smart to keep a cat tower near a favourite snooze spot.

Another one worth a look – apart from six levels of platforms for climbing, playing, and lounging, this Modern Wooden Large Cat Tree comes with durable and wear-resistant natural jute scratching posts!

Cat hammocks to bring your cat closer to the outdoors

The perfect pampering gift for kitty, a cat hammock provides him or her with a cosy place to sleep while satisfying their natural, watchful instinct. Another brownie point? It’s also super, super cute!

When it comes to choosing the perfect cat hammock, there are many options available. You can find hammocks in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colours to suit your cat’s individual needs. Watch the video below if you’d like to try the DIY route…

It’s important to measure your cat before making a purchase to get a hammock that’s the right size. You also want to make sure the hammock is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable and durable.

A cat hammock is a wonderful way to pamper your cat by giving them an opportunity to play and explore. Many hammocks come with toys and accessories that your cat can entertain itself with and express his or her natural curiosity while lounging about.

Take the time to introduce it to your cat…

When you bring home a new cat hammock, it’s important to take the time to introduce it to your cat. Allow your cat to explore and investigate the hammock on their own terms. You can even encourage them by placing treats or toys inside the hammock.

Once your cat is comfortable with their new hammock, they’ll likely use it as a favourite spot for napping. This is the perfect time to snap some Insta pics of Corporal Licks chilling belly up. Check out this ‘Cats of Instagram: The Best Accounts to Follow‘ article for ins-paw-ration.

Giving your cat a cat hammock is a great way to show them how much you care. Not only does it provide your feline with a comfortable place to relax and play, but it also adds a bit of style to your home. So why not give your furry friend the special treatment they deserve?

Six different coloured kittens in a row, eating from their bowls
Source: Instagram -@cashmerecatcafe

5. Kitty playdates, cat cafes and pet-friendly restaurants

Playdates for cats? Yes, they’re real and can be beneficial to your cat’s social and physical health.

Setting up a kitty playdate is great way to pamper your cat when you need to leave your kitty alone more often than usual, they need more exercise, and/or you want to help them release pent-up energy. A handy tip for setting up a playdate is to pair cats based on temperament; that way both enjoy themselves.

Cat cafes and pet-friendly restaurants

If you’re looking for a fun and unique experience to share with your feline companion, consider taking a trip to a cat cafe or pet-friendly restaurant! Popularised in Japan, cat cafes are friendly, cosy places where kitties and people can interact with each other in a safe environment.

Visiting a cat cafe or pet-friendly restaurant can be a great way to pamper and spend time with your cat and give them a chance to socialise with other cats. Cats are naturally curious creatures, so they can often benefit from interacting with other cats and exploring a new environment. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to get out of the house and experience something new together!

Although some cat cafes don’t allow cats to be brought along, they let you play with the ones already there. So when you make a booking, ask them what they offer first. Ask whether you can bring your feline with you.

When visiting a cat cafe like Yumiao Cat Cafe, be sure to keep a few things in mind. Here’s a short video of what the Yumiao Cat Cafe looks like…

Definitely make sure your cat is up to date on all their vaccinations and that they’re wearing a collar with their name and your contact information. Second, obviously, there may be other cats in the cafe, so know whether your cat is comfortable with other cats in their space. Third, it’s important to respect the cafe’s rules and regulations (these are Yumiao’s for example), so be sure to read them before entering.

Once you’re there, you can enjoy the cafe or pet-friendly restaurant’s atmosphere, relax with your cat, and enjoy some snacks or drinks.

Here’s a list of some truly paw-some cat cafes in Australia:

  1. Catmosphere (Sydney)
  2. MeowMe Cat Cafe (Adelaide)
  3. Yumiao Cat Cafe (Sydney)
  4. Grounded Paws Cat Lounge (Victoria)
  5. Hobart Cat Cafe (Tasmania)
  6. Lucky Cat Cafe (Brisbane)
    ** there aren’t any WA cat cafes at this point in time

For more info on cat cafes in AU, check out this ‘What is a Cat Café Anyway?‘ article.

a cat scratching post like this greencactus one is one of the best ways to pamper a cat

6. Cat scratching posts

While some fur parents will call cat fur ‘kitty glitter’, giving your cat a proper place to rub against and scratch is a far better option than your furniture. A properly made cat scratching post is one of the best ways to pamper your cat.

It allows your cat to care for their nails, exercise and stretch so they can limber up – ensuring they’re ready to pounce on short notice. Stress reduction is an added benefit of these activities and helps keep your cat happy. When your cat is happy, you’re happy.

On to the next way to pamper your cat…

7. The world’s best cat massage

Exploring next-level ways to pamper your cat calls for a massage. Cats can enjoy the benefits of a massage in similar ways to humans. These include helping with blood circulation, muscle tightness, anxiety, and relaxation. Plus, it’s a chance to become more intimate with your cat.

Get your kitty a lengthy cosy massage with Amazon’s electric scalp head massager for cats if your hands fall asleep quickly or you’re just not that great at cat massages.

On to an ‘ole fashioned cat massage that is the ultimate way to pamper your cat – to start, ease your cat into the experience with gentle scratches in areas they love. When they’re visibly relaxed and purring, introduce light strokes down their back, moving slowly in a circulation motion to their shoulders, ears, and chin. Check out this adorable Cat Spa ASMR video below…

By this time, your cat should be a happy camper, inviting you to use fingertips to delicately rub their chest and later their paws. Take a look at the video below to get a better idea of how to pamper your cat with a blissful back massage…

8. More playtime to pamper your cat

Playtime is crucial for cats, especially younger ones (read about it in our article: The Importance of Playtime for Dogs and Cats). It can help nurture their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Nothing compares to time with their human – or so we like to think! – but toys can make a great substitute when they’re alone. Pamper your cat by finding interactive cat toys that encourage your cat to think, helping them feel mentally stimulated.

9. A good night’s sleep

Pamper your cat with a puurrfect goodnight’s sleep. There’s a range of cat beds available online and from your local pet store, although choosing one your kitty will fancy isn’t always a simple task! While a cardboard box may be a fun distraction, it’s not an optimal napping space in the long term.

For the purrfect night (and day) sleep that’s fit for royalty, it pays to research a variety of styles reflecting your cat’s personality and needs. For example, do they like to hide? Be enclosed? Maybe they love napping up high? Are they really into kneading fluffy materials? What a great way to pamper your cat!

10. Pamper your cat with their own playlist

Learning how to speak cat can take time, but does your cat like music? The good news is, according to the Applied Animal Behaviour Science journal, cats certainly do like music – so long as it’s to their taste. While we humans usually like to bop along to the radio, a cat’s preference tends to be something soothing.

Why not give this a try when leaving your kitty home alone? It’s a great way to pamper your cat! To set up the pawfect playlist consider music that features instruments like the cello, piano, flute and harp. These can be found in music by Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi and Puccini.

We found the below cat-tastic playlist that runs for about 11 hours. While you go about your day, your purrfect ‘lil kitty can relax away.

11. Cat water fountain

A great way to ensure your furry friend is getting the hydration they need is to pamper them with a luxury water source – a cat water fountain. Not only does this provide them with plenty of fresh, clean water, but cat water fountains also look so fancy schmancy!

Smaller cat water fountains ones are a great way to pamper cats who only need a compact fountain, while larger cat water fountains can provide enough water for multiple cats or larger cat breeds. Cat water fountains also usually comes with a filter, which will help keep the water clean and free of bacteria.

Most cat water fountains come with an adjustable flow feature too, so you can select the perfect flow for your cat to enjoy. The adjustable flow also helps reduce splashing and keeps the water cleaner for a longer period of time.

Aside from being a practical gift, a cat water fountain can also be a great way to pamper your cat and show your cat how much you care.

12. Cat litter box to pamper your cat

Are you looking for a practical gift to pamper your beloved cat? Consider getting them their very own cat litter box! Actually, that really should be a given. A litter box is an essential item for a cat; it serves as their restroom and is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. Is it time for a new one?

The good news is that you can easily pamper your cat with a little box refresh because there are many different types of cat litter boxes available on the market. From covered boxes to self-cleaning boxes, there’s something for every cat and every budget. Before you pamper your cat by purchasing a litter box, it’s important to consider what type of litter box is best for them.

grey persian kitten in litter box wants to be pampered

Weigh your options when buying a cat litter box…

If your cat’s the type that likes to hide away when using the restroom, a covered litter box might be the best option. This type of litter box will provide your cat with privacy and keep the area clean and odour-free. Some litter boxes even come with a charcoal filter to help reduce odours.

Another way to pamper your cat (and yourself) is through a self-cleaning litter box. This type of box is great for busy households that don’t have time to scoop the litter box every day.

Whether you choose a covered or a self-cleaning litter box, make sure you get one that’s the right size. Also, check the litter box is made from safe materials that won’t irritate your cat’s skin. Isn’t this a practical and thoughtful way to pamper your cat?

A final note on all that cat love

Wait a meow-ment! 😺 Get to know your cat with this mix of fun and informative articles:

  1. What is a Pet Body Condition Score and Why is it Important?
  2. Technology to Keep Pets Safe, Healthy and Trackable
  3. 7 Common Tabby Cat Questions Answered
  4. The Burmilla: Silky, Silver, and Smart
  5. Your 101 Guide to Ragdoll Kittens

Cat insurance – the extra your pet deserves

The greatest gift ever and best way to pamper your cat is by getting cat insurance for your beloved feline. PD Insurance offers award-winning, value-rich insurance plans that cover your kitty in case of an accident, illness or other health emergency. It’s a soft landing for when you need it most. Sign up now and you’ll get at least one month or more free. 

If you’re new to pet insurance, here’s a big tip. If you start when your kitten is young, before any conditions rear their heads, they’ll enjoy broader cover. Click below to get a quote for your pet’s plan.

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